Principal's Message
Principal’s Message
Yuying Celebrates 115th Anniversary
“Sow a thought and you reap an action;
Sow an act and you reap a habit;
Sow a habit and you reap a character;
Sow a character and you reap a destiny.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson
Yuying Secondary School had a great year last year. While the journey in 2024 was long and sometimes arduous, we are glad that the effort and time that staff and students sowed into the journey has enabled us to reap an immense sense of collective pride. Yuying demonstrated the ‘can do’ spirit – we rose above the challenges to deliver excellence. The beautiful sight of Yuying Concert Band and student dancers performing at the pre-parade segment of NDP2024 will forever be etched in Yuying’s collective memory. Looking back, we can be proud to declare that we have lived out our school motto - Together, Achieve Personal Excellence.
Together, the staff and students navigated through different challenges to ensure that teaching and learning went on as effectively and in as holistic a manner as possible. Together, the teachers learnt and collaborated to find ways to make lessons more engaging and deepen students’ learning by leveraging the affordance of generative AI. Together, the teachers made our school’s Enterprise Week, Applied Learning for Life Programme and Student Leadership Development Programme more engaging and applicable to students’ daily lives. Together, the teachers nurtured Yuying students in the right values so that they can contribute towards the betterment of others in the community.
Staff and Students – Yuying Secondary School salutes you.
2025 promises to be another exciting year for the Yuying Secondary School community as our school celebrates our 115th anniversary. We do not take this milestone lightly and are humbled by the resilience of Yuying – that we are able to stand the test of time to continue thriving and educating the next generation.
Guided by our school motto, ‘Together, Achieve Personal Excellence’, we will continue to stay true to our mission of nurturing a curiosity to learn and a heart to serve in every Yuying student. We will continue to strengthen student well-being and resilience for every Yuying Eagle to flourish and continue to pursue a better version of themselves. We will promote deep and engaged learning among Yuying Eagles to bring about greater motivation and zest for life. In so doing, we aspire for every Yuying EAGLE to be Enterprising, Adaptable, Gracious, Leaders of the Future.
Our school’s emblem of the soaring eagle reminds us of the many profound lessons we can learn from the eagle. One of the eagle’s characteristics is its tenacity. Unlike other birds which will avoid an oncoming storm, an eagle spreads its mighty wings and uses the turbulent current to soar to greater heights. The eagle takes advantage of the very storm that lesser birds fear as they know the strong wind will lift them to a higher altitude where they can rest their wings and become stronger. We, too, can develop ‘tenacity’ and see challenges as opportunities. As we pursue our own destiny, we can sow positive thoughts and actions in our lives through repeated practice till it becomes a habit of mind and an instinctive part of our character.
As we celebrate our school’s 115th anniversary this year, we endeavour to draw inspiration from our school’s heritage and our school’s identity. We will relive the pioneering spirit – the ‘can do’ spirit to innovate and be inventive in developing good character and a strong sense of citizenship in our students.
We are keenly aware that we cannot walk this journey alone. We need strong support to uplift every Yuying Eagle to enable every child to be a Lifelong Learner, Compassionate Leader, Enterprising Changemaker and Responsible Citizen, anchored on the school values of Integrity, Resilience, Respect and Responsibility. I humbly invite all our valued parents and stakeholders to support and partner us as we continue our journey in ‘Honouring our Heritage, Innovating for the Future’.
Soaring Higher Together