The teaching, learning and assessment of mathematics in Yuying is anchored by the pentagonal framework shown above. In the learning of mathematics, mathematical problem solving is the central focus. The five sides of the pentagon detail the process and knowledge the students require to acquire and apply mathematical concepts and skills in various situations, including non-standard, open-ended and real-world problems.
Desired Learner Outcome
Every student to develop an interest in mathematics and value add academically.
The department believes in providing opportunities to students to participate in competitions. The teachers’ involvement in the training of the students for these competitions not only forges a stronger bond between teachers and students, it also makes the students more confident.
The Mathematics Department believes that in order for the students to appreciate the essence of mathematics, learning should not be just confined to the classroom. The teachers in the department have brought the students out of the classroom for experiential learning where students can apply their mathematical concepts into solving real life problems. This provides the opportunity for them to learn the subject in an authentic way. All students would have experienced the ‘Maths Trail’ held during the Integrated Learning Journey and the activities of the annual ‘Maths and Design & Technology (MADT) Week’ at least once each in their years in Yuying.
Integrating ICT into learning has also become a norm for the teachers. The department has incorporated the Ministry of Education initiative ‘Students Learning Space’ (SLS) an online learning platform into the lessons. With the SLS, students will be able to learn better through the use of technology. They will also be able to learn anytime, anywhere and at their own pace.